A solution has the best chance of success if it complies with the following criteria:
Affordable – Are the implementation and life cycle costs affordable?
Effective – Does it really work and achieve the goal for which it was intended?
Replicable – Can the community replicate the solution or will they continually be dependent upon outside providers to keep it going?
Sustainable – Can the community maintain the solution? E.g. if it is a device, can they afford to buy spare parts, are these spare parts locally available, or can they fix it when it breaks?
Quantifiable – What are the quantifiable outcomes of the solution? E.g. a 50% measured increase in energy sufficiency or a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
Desirable – Does the community and other role-players in their environment (e.g. industries, government agencies, social institutions) want this solution?
Beneficial – Does it really benefit the community and other role-players?